Contact the Microreact team

Send feedback, request support, request a local installation, etc.

There are multiple ways to contact the team. Whichever method you choose, please ensure that you include as much information as possible to help us understand your situation.

Additionally, please add to your safe domains and safe senders list to prevent our responses from going to your spam folder. You may hear back from us via several email addresses

This feature is accessible on any Microreact page. Navigate to the "burger icon" in the top left corner of any Microreact page. Then select "Send Feedback".

You can use the feedback form to contact us or report bugs to the Microreact support team.

Please make sure to include an email address if you wish Microreact support team to contact you.

You can also include a screenshot of the page to highlight bugs.

Secondary method of contact

If you cannot access the form for any reason, please email us at

Information to include

The more information you provide about your situation, the more quickly we can get you a response:

  • you & your organisation

  • the URL for your Microreact project

  • exact error messages

  • screenshots (not containing any sensitive information)

  • example data (not containing any sensitive information)

  • a clear description of the question or problem

  • what efforts you've already made toward a solution

Interested in an on-prem, local installation?

Microreact can be installed behind your firewall to enable you to visualise sensitive data safely. To request a quote for the supported, Docker-packaged instance, please email

Last updated