
See Map Data for data source guidance (including what to do if markers seem to be showing up in the wrong place on the map, which is usually due to W/S lat/long instead of negative numbers, or due to an ambiguous place).

The Map panel uses Mapbox to create the basic map, and only requires latitude & longitude to place your data correctly. No data gets sent to Mapbox; rather, your data are overlaid onto data from Mapbox. Choropleth GeoJSON files must be created specifically, but otherwise no specific maps must be created.

Interactive Map Settings

Markers menu

  • Map markers can be toggled on and off

  • The size and opacity can be changed using the slider

  • If the uploaded data included a GeoJSON file, the markers can be grouped by the boundaries defined in that file by selecting the 'Group by region' toggle

  • Turning on the 'Scale markers' button will scale each marker's size based on the number of samples at that map location.

    • There are 3 scaling functions to choose from, with SQRT being the option where the area is proportional to number of samples

    • A minimum and maximum pixel size for the scaled markers can also be set so that the markers are not too small or become too dominant.

Style menu

The overall style of the map can be changed. "Light" style is the default. Below is the same map with different styles:

Regions menu (Choropleth)

To color regions on your map, you must first add a GeoJSON file to your project. See Map Data for more information.

When the project contains a GeoJSON file, the choropleth will automatically be rendered, shading the regions based on an aggregate of the number of IDs (entries) in your data that fall within each geoJSON boundary.

When GeoJSON regions are included in the data, the map menus will include a new lozenge called "Regions" with a few customisable options (including toggling the region features on/off). The calculation used for depth of colour can be changed, as well as which column is being aggregated.


Lasso (polygon lasso)

Viewport filtering

Zooming or panning on the map will live-update the rest of the panels so they remain in concert with the visible portion of the map.

Last updated