Saving and version control
Microreact does not auto-save your work.
This is important to remember. Working within Microreact is inherently interactive and iterative, so it is up to the user to decide which configurations are to be saved.
Session history **** tracks recent changes within the browsing session. Session history is only available until the user closes or refreshes the page, or navigates away from it.
Session history allows undo (Cmd
or Ctrl
) and redo (Cmd
, Ctrl
, or Ctrl
There is no version control
Microreact does not keep a history of project versions or changes, beyond the Session History.
: To maintain a history of project versions over time, download the project and maintain an offline set of project versions.
To save a newly created or a modified project:
Enter a name for the project.
Optionally, enter a brief description of the project (Markdown is supported). This is a good place to add a website link or an email address, or a link to the Data-flo data-flo that prepares the data for the project.
Save as a New Project
if you want to store a new project on Micoreact servers (this option is only available when you are signed in to your Microreact account). You can change the project access control after it has been saved.If you are saving changes to an existing project that you own, you can choose either
Update This Project
orSave as a New Project
. If you save as a new project, consider giving it a new name.
Download as .microreact file
if you do not want to store the project on Microreact servers. This allows you to share the project (and all its data) privately, outside of the Microreact server.
Updating views
Once a project has saved views, saving happens slightly differently. Changes must be made to each view, and that view updated. It is no longer possible to make colour or shape changes that affect the entire project. See Views.
Updating projects
Microreact does not save past versions of projects. If users make changes to a project but later decide to revert to this previous version, you can use the Replace Project feature to restore the original files, panels and views without changing the file name, link or any user access permissions. This is useful if you have a project shared with other users and you want to make changes to the project without disrupting their access.
Navigate to the Pencil icon, and select Edit Existing Panels. In the left side panel, click the Replace Project button and use the dialog box to find a .microreact file to upload. This action will keep allow users to retain the project name, link, and share settings while replacing with new project files, panels and views.
The Share with People Dialog
When you have performed "Save as a New Project", the "Share with People" dialog pops up. This is described here: Access Control and Project Sharing****
Deleting a Project
Deletion of a project is possible from the my-account page.
There is no "Are you sure you want to delete this project" message, so be sure before you click the bin icon.
Last updated